
In close coordination with my partners at RenewWest, we develop carbon sequestration and crediting projects on landscapes across the western US. While carbon sequestration is of vital importance, these projects also leverage the power of carbon markets to give landowners the resources you need to conserve and restore the grassland and forest ecosystems on your property. Please contact us for a carbon assessment of your land.

Carbon Modeling

We employ a suite of spatial analysis and modeling techniques to estimate the carbon crediting potential of western lands using Avoided Grassland Conversion, Improved Forest Management, and Reforestation protocols. Whereas most carbon firms focus on a specific ecosystem type or protocol, we specialize in whole-landscape projects that include multiple carbon credit producing sub-projects. With recent analyses completed for Avoided Grassland Conversion and post-fire Reforestation protocols across most western US states, we can help you understand how your property fits into the carbon landscape.


Conservation Forestry